(This website was last updated 2023Feb04 at 11pm--by Joe G)
This website contains all pages for the TCTTL (Twin Cities Table Tennis League)
and also contains Joe G's TT info.
You may also click these titles shown above--for other pages on this website:
Contact is Joe Gervais--at email: [email protected]
The TCTTL primary hours of play & location for most Thursdays (entire year) is
between 6pm - 10:30pm in the school gym located at:
CCACS (Capital City Adventist Christian School -- elementary school)
1220 S. McKnight Road, Maplewood MN 55119
(located about 300 feet East of the intersection of McKnight Rd & Boxwood Street)
CCACS website: Capital City Adventist Christian School Saint Paul MN (ccacschool.org)
(CCACS only rents their gym to TCTTL; so they can't answer questions about TCTTL)